Warrior Evolved Mission Empower veterans with functional wellness skills to regain their quality of life. Our Goal: Provide coaching, training, and tools that empower the veteran to effectively train their mind and bodies out of pain and improve performance.
Our Methods: Exercise programs based on functional fitness and state-of-the-art neurological training. Our Endstate: Veterans with fit minds and bodies who are trained, educated, and supplied with the tools to continue life-long functional wellness. |
Warrior Evolved provides programs to help veterans in the following areas:
INDIVIDUAL TRAINING - The fastest route to functional wellness and gaining life-long skills in the process:
GROUP TRAINING - For sponsors that wish to set up group training for up to 8 veterans we offer a 14-week group training program:
- Individualized program development & tracking for a full year:
- Focused on the veteran's specific goals and issues, whether that be TBI therapy, weight reduction, pain reduction, event preparation, strength & conditioning, etc.
- 34 hours of 1-on-1 personal training & assessments over 14 weeks
- 9 monthly check-in and coaching sessions following the 14-week intensive training
- Focused on the veteran's specific goals and issues, whether that be TBI therapy, weight reduction, pain reduction, event preparation, strength & conditioning, etc.
- In-depth neural and physical assessments
- Goal and issue-specific programming
- Advanced neural training to increase performance & decrease pain
- Each veteran receives:
- Training materials for home care / training
- Free app with personalized exercises & drills
- Incentive t-shirts for each training goal attained
- Detailed Program Completion Report & Out Brief (metrics, results, future goal-setting & training recommendations)
GROUP TRAINING - For sponsors that wish to set up group training for up to 8 veterans we offer a 14-week group training program:
- Social environment
- Basic neural and physical assessments
- Functional fitness classes with basic training on Kettle Bells, TRX Suspension Trainer, and other functional exercise equipment
- Pain Mitigation classes using joint mobility, vision, and balance training
- Basic neural training to increase performance & decrease pain
- Periodic re-assessments & take-home workouts
- Incentive t-shirt
Warrior Evolved, LLC is a Disabled Veteran-Owned business